Who can stay still the longest
Now Chris the Baltimore Oriole is in the bush waiting to have his lunch. I was only hoping that Hawkeye didn't see him. As bright orange as Chris is I just don't know how Hawkeye didn't see him! I couldn't go out and chase Hawkeye or Chris would have flew away too and put him right in his path. I just hate waiting out the drama between the birds. As it turn out Chris stay real still and Hawkeye left not to long after that. I don't know why Chris is still here, it is much to cold for him and he should have left. But as long as he is here I will keep him well feed. Oh I name him Chris because he show up on Christmas Eve and has been here everyday since.
Have a great day ....Just a little happening from Mole Hill NJ
Peace and love DeeDee ^i^
Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens.
I really don't know if they see color or not, but they were only about 10 ft apart. I haven't seen Chris now for 24 hrs and am worry that the cold got him :( I am just waiting to see if he show up today.
Cool thanks for the info....I guess maybe he didn't hide to well after all :(
I hope he shows up tomorrow, will see.
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