The Laundromat
I will start this by reminding all that I was married at the ripe old age of 17....(I know I know way too young).
Now on with the story..Hubby was in the Navy when we were married and we spent time in Conn. and then on to S.C. I love the south and everything about it. Oh I forgot to mention this was in 1966. Now being from the north and not used to the ways of the south at the time, I had a few adjustments to make.
We had a small trailer that was in a very small trailer park with all his shipmates living there...well it had one road in Now the trailer we had 8x35 ft and it had a washer in it but not a dryer. So every few day around I go to the laundromat to dry a few things, the rest of the stuff I hung in the small yard we had. Oh I forgot to mention it rains everyday at 4 almost like clock work. Now after a little time Hubby came home one day and said he just had to ask me something that has been bothering him, with this I said ok what. He wanted to know why I only took the white clothes to the laundromat to dry and not the dark clothes? I told him they have a sign on the door that says WHITES ONLY! and it is a big sign so I'm not taking the dark clothes in there. They have a lady in there to make sure you only do the whites only! Now being that I am young and not to much of the world, well you see before I was married I don't think I ever left N.J. Hubby had to sit me down and tell me what the sign met. WHAT NO WAY! You can't do that. Now I had no idea that this was happening and we were in the south as the desegration was going on. I was shocked to say the least and Hubby had to take me around to show me more signs because I just wouldn't believe him.
Now many years later I was home and the phone rings and it is my friend, and she tells me I have to rent a movie and I will know the part when I see it. She wouldn't tell me what to look for. So out I go and get the movie and low and behold there is my story in the movie!!!! Oh the movie is "We Were Soliders. At that point I said to Hubby they stole my story! It has been told many times and I knew someday it would come back to I don't know where they got it from for the movie, but it is just a little to close to my
Well that my story and I am sticking to it!
Peace and Hugs ^i^ DeeDee
It is not a secret if it is known by three people
That is pretty funny! I seem to remember someone telling me about that once....
Unfortunately, there are still far too many whackos down here who would put those signs back up in a heartbeat if they could.
Now Far....I want to know where you heard the story or are you talking about the movie?
I have been to the south many time since then and will always love the south, but did notice that it still goes on down there. I really wanted to moveto S.C. when the kids were all moved out now I can't because of the grandchildren. Won't leave them.
No Granny not as blonde as the story make a blonde anymore! Just very protect from the world by parents and Hubby for many have been told there is a little of Grace Allen in me.
He herd it in cheers and jeers from your son. Darrell posted in honor of your birthday about 2 years ago!!!! I believe that the comment were along the lines of we know where you get it from.... and that is one funny story....
I have told the story a few times and people could not beleive that some one could be so naive..
Oh I forgot about that, thanks for the remind..number 1 DIL...Love ya, miss you all.
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