Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Joke on ME!

In a early post I put that a Baltimore Oriole show up at Christmas eve. Now he has been here ever since. I have keep him well feed so he would make it though the winter.

To my surprise .....I was outside this morning and hear him in the tree singing. I look up and there are two of them! Both Male. I was wondering how one little bird could eat so much. Now it would be nice if a female show up, as I don't think the two that are out there are going to be making any baby birds soon! Oh course it wouldn't surprise me at all for me to wind up with a few gay After all I never got to get a Bluebird to come to the yard. Even after ordering 2,000 meal worms on the Internet for them. I do wind up with the strangest critter in the

Now they shouldn't even be here at this time of year. They usually only migrate though here. So now for 2 months I have had two of them and finally caught them together.Well leave it to a man not to get direction on how to get back south....ROFL. So now we have Chris and Prancer out there.


Dee Dee said...

LOL Granny..I don't know but I sure hope a female shows up soon or I am going to worry about the two of But they sure spend alot of time in the trees singing to each

Larry Kollar said...

It's amazing how guys will put aside their differences when there's plenty of chow handy....

Dee Dee said...

ROFL Far......I just hope they make it till spring. I will keep them well feed.