Sunday, February 25, 2007

100 Things about me...

I try to put this on the side, but just can't get it there so here it

  1. 1...I LOVE LIFE!

    2...Family!...need I say more

    3..My 3 sons are my life!

    4...I am crazy about my grandchildren

    5..A smell or a song can take me back to a wonderfull time in life

    6...My Grandson is the apple of my eye, he is the only grandson

    7...I have 5 granddaughters and they are all special in their own way

    8...I babysat a little girl from the time she was 6 weeks old to 5 yrs old and I love her laugh

    9..I had a big pond and now it gone, so I visit my coi when I can

    10...My best friend lives in Canada and the miles don't mean a thing

    11...One of my favorite movies is "Pay it Forward" I think we should all try it

    12...Have lived in the same house for 37 years

    13...I think my sister is one of the bravest people I know

    14...I love jellybeans

    15..I sleeps on sofa couch downstairs instead of bed in bedroom

    16...I love Country music

    17...I loved my Mom Mom so much

    18...I can sit and watch the birds in the yard for hours

    19...I order weird things from the internet

    20...I grow up in the city and now the city scare me

    21..When I need a good cry I watch the movie My Girl

22..Have 3 wonderful sons and one great daughter-in-law

23...I love to wear hats

24...I have 4 brothers and 1 sister

25...I am Rusty (person) and she is mine. She would help me get rid of the body and I would

26...I buy movies instead of renting them

27...I love to talk

28...When I feel out of control I change my hair color

29..has ghost who appears only when my children are in trouble

30..I collects cameras

31...I want to try a lot of new things before it to late

32..I am very sensitive and get hurt easy

33..Hates the thought of sister moving farther away

34..I tell sons/grandchildren weird stories about myself as small children and they believe me

35.. I learn to knit and went crazy one christmas, everyone got scarfs

36... Loves Harry Potter movies

37...I've never been in an airplane

38...I am like a Momma bear ..don't mess with my kids or grandkids, I go into attack mode

39...I hate getting out of bed in the morning

40...I would do anything for family

41...Love to hear a child laugh

42..I love Hot showers

43..Cleaning isn't one of my favorite things

44...I have just become a X-MIL From number 2 son

45...I hate clowns! They are creepy

46...My Dad die when I was 30 yrs old and I still miss him

47...I don't like to cook anymore

48...I love angels

49...I love the smell of baby lotion

50..Nothing makes me feel better then a hug

51....I have hazel eyes

52..I hate sports

53...I wanted to be a doctor

54...I love the feel of the sun on my skin, but not aloud in the sun

55...I love to have one on one with people over crowds

56...I have a bad temper, but have learn to control it

57...I have always seen myself as the ulgy duckling

58...I hate cold weather

59...I love history

60...Love kids

61...Can't stand to see any creature hurt.

62...Didn't drive till I was 30

63...I hate my name

64...I am scared to death of snakes

65...I don't like to travel

66...I love to just sit on the beach and watch the ocean

67...I had a miscarriage at 3 months

68....I can built furniture

69...I still after all the years of marriage see my Hubby as my hero

70...I love the computer

71...I know alot of people, but only a few real friends

72..As fast as I get money I spend it

73...I love to garden

74...My desk is always clutter

75...My best friend lives in Canada

76...I don't really like going out to eat

77...I love my job

78...I have OCD

79...I have worn glasses since I was 9 year old

80..I love coffee

81...Married for 42 years

82...Got married at 17

83...I am a bird watcher

84...can't spell worth a darn

85...I have 3 tatoo's

86..I love potato chips

87...Love movies

88...I hated school

89...I love taking photos

90...Love being out on the boat.

91...I have a list of 25 things I have to do before I die and keep adding to the list.

92...I have had cancer

93...I have Lupus

94...I wear a hair peice most of the time.

95...Never had a joint..pot or whatever you want to call it.

96...I don't drink!

97...I am a collecter of lots of junk

98...I smoke and hope that chances soon

99...Right now I am overweight

100....Can't swim


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!! I would like to read your list of 25 things to do...... Just by reading the list of 100 things.. you have already covered alot... And number 13 is only because you have STEPS!!!!LOL Really, thank you!

Dee Dee said...

YOu are one of the bravest people I know and it hasn't got to do with the step! It is everything you do!Oh I keep re-doing the

Dee Dee said...

Blush I had a little help ...Thank you...Maybe I will put my list of 25 things
Yes flying is on the list!

Anonymous said...

HI Diane...Loved your 100 list. Look forward to seeing your list of 25 things. I would be very interesting, I'm sure...

I'm sorry I don't respond very often but I do read everything you put in your blog....

Hope all is well...
Hugs, Fran

Dee Dee said...

Thanks Fran.....I glad you enjoy the blog and I will be email you soon about everything that is going on or maybe just call