Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Work..need I say more!

Been one of those weeks! We are into inventory mode and nerves are a little on edge. We are trying to get the store ready and now the DM has come up with the great idea of sending us a big truck on Thursday and Friday. We will have inventory on Monday night. That means we work till then. Of all weekends SUPER BOWL! Don't know what the DM was think when he plan this one. We have about 8 of us at work that know what has to be done on the sales floor, so it is up to us to get it done. It going to be a tuff week and we just can't get a break till after this is over. When you start with the Christmas season and go right into inventory mode after that it can get tuff.

We aren't a big store like Wal-mart or Target, but it takes a lot to get ready. We only have 12 people that work in the store, not counting management.

I have a birthday party on Saturday and a super bowl party on Sunday. Tomorrow I have a funeral to go to for my Great-Aunt and we are to have a snow storm tomorrow to top it off. Not that we need that now.

I am into the winter dull drums and I don't like it one bit. I miss seeing my grandchildren. I am used to seeing them on a more regular basic, but this will pass. I go though this every year.

Hubby takes up his time going to the casino and other things, I'm just not into that. Well I guess I better find something to do or this winter will just drag out more.

Well that about it from good old Mole Hill NJ and time to get ready for a good night sleep, it has been a long day.

A wise women once said: " No one can help everybody, but everybody can help somebody."--Unknown

Ta Ta for now ^i^

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Vacations as we knew them.

Let just start by saying I was a city girl till the rip old age of 13. Now down to the country my parents move and I'm not a happy camper! Not the outdoors type if you get my drift.I have been to the beach maybe 4 times in my life and don't know how to SWIM! The few times I was there it wasn't good. I really don't like the sand going into every part of the body and you find it for
Now you have to say...I look really happy about being at the beach, but the one good thing is after 3 kids I still could wear a little 2 piece bathing suit.Now I wouldn't be able to get one of my thigh in that suit!

Meet Hubby get married and off we go for the wonderful life together. Now comes the vacations. First I have to tell you that I have Lupus and NOT aloud in the sun. Didn't know this for years and as a child I had sun poison so bad that it was to the hospital we went.

We always took day trips when the two older boys were little and I was happy about that. Now when I was excepting number 3 Hubby comes home to tell me he got a place at the shore for a week....WHAT! Now I will be packing for a week at the shore with a 7 yr old, 5 yr old and 4month old baby. Oh what joy this will be.

Now back then they really didn't have the sunblock they have now, and it really doesn't help that much for me.The sun just kinda eats holes into my skin and then I am scard. So needless to say after the first day at the beach I am fried! I am pale skinned as it is and this sure doesn't help. I not saying we didn't have a good time. We always did and Hubby still goes to the shore every year with the oldest son and his kids.Mom stays home with the dogs and other

Well back to were I was....Do you have any idea what you have to take for a week with no washer and dryer for 3 kids and the food you need to take. Well before we even got out of the house I was tired. Oh don't forget the BIKES! We are off and running.

The week went well and as I knew what was going to happen next, on the way out to drop off the keys he books the place for 2 week the next year! Now I am fried to a crisp and have lugged a 4mouth old to the beach everyday and just want to get home. As it turn out we vacation at the same town for the next 14 years. As the kids got older we also added to the mix of friends and family with us. Each of the boys usually had a friend with them and of course the dogs went too.

I cook and clean for the whole crew and I still wouldn't change a thing about it. To me in a lot of way we were home with the beach outside the door. Sad to say it all came to an end for me when the Dr's finally found out what was wrong with me all those years. That what ended the weeks at the shore. I miss them and always will, but not much sense in paying all that money to sit inside. I do love going on the boat, but I can do that for short periods of time. So that has become my outdoor fun.Oh I do love being on the boat and flying down the river! I am glad that I got to do it with the family for all those years. Will always have great memories of the times spend there. So happy to know that the sons have carry on the same tradition for the grandchildren and their friends.
I have learn to love the beach over the years and Hubby and I will head down there a few times a year just to walk and enjoy nature.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

How it all started

When this great looking Navy Man parents moved next door to us that all it took..I was hooked! The bait was there and I was the fish just swimming around to be It only took 6 months till we were walking down the to the alter to say the I Do's. Let just say that when I see what I want I go after it. I wanted that sailor boy! Oh I forgot to say that Hubby has the most beautiful blue eyes that you just melt into.

Now you might want to know that I was just 17 years old and Hubby was 25. I knew from the minute I saw him he was the one I wanted to be with the rest of my life.

I always felt like the ugly duck growing up and never in my dreams thought that anyone would think and feel that way about me.

I will never forget something that my Grandmother told me few years later and that the day that I felt pretty for the first time in my life. I still to this day remember it as if it was just yesterday. She told me that she had never seen a more beautiful bride then me and never saw a more in love man then Hubby. That when I came into the church it was if we were the only two people there and the look that cross between us was pure love. That was a very special day for me and in some ways more then my wedding day. Now I knew Hubby loves me, but when someone else say it and in a way that make you see it from their eyes. It does make you stop and really understand. Now most of the family didn't think we would last more that a few years. We have been together now for 42 years and I think it is safe to say we will make this marriage

Oh we have had our days and I will get into a few of them later on in the blog. I hope to be able to tell a few story here that have made life fun and sad and all the things in between.

Oh Boy!!! The tree is DOWN!

As I am running a little late this The christmas tree is DOWN! The living room looks so bare without it.

Now I have been busting my butt at work and am on a three day weekend...yahhhhhhhhhh. I have a lot to get done around here. This morning it was playing on the blog and changing a few things around. Tonight while Hubby watches the football game I will be working on getting a few old photo scan and maybe a few other things here.
That about it from Mole Hill...oh it is warm and sunny again today. We are at 55 degrees right now.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Surprize for this time of year.....

I was out filling the feeders for all the little critters that visit me everyday and I turn around to see this flower blooming. Now it is the last day of the year and I just couldn't believe that it was there. I know it has been warm here, but this is just a tad to much! I hope it doesn't mess up the blooming of the flowers for spring. This is a Scotch Bush and it blooms most of the spring and summer. It really get big and have to trim them back ever year.
Oh Chris is still here and I put out fruit for him this morning and he just about attack

Monday, January 01, 2007

It is over for another year....

As I sit here tonight and think about the past month, I do have so much to be thankful for. Hubby is still with me and that is the biggest of all. This was the best present that I ever got.
It has been a tough month with sickness and almost losing Hubby twice in 24 hrs. He still has a way to go to getting back to his old self, but that will come in time.
We ended the year by going to the casino...dinner and some slots for me, poker for him. Yes Mr. Trump got my money again! We had a good time but was home early, don't feel like fighting the drunks on the road!

This week was good on a lot of way. This year for Christmas I gave a lot of photo that I have taken and was surprise at the response I got from everyone. I like to take pictures and think they are ok, so I thought give something of myself then just go and buy anything. Work out great.

The grandkids had a great Christmas this year and that alway makes us happy. It has been a rough year for a few of the grandkids after the spit of the parents, but they are getting by ok and making the ajustment.

Hubby got me a laptop for Christmas this year, I am trying to get used to it, but it is a really different feel to it, but I will get used to it in no time. I want to used it to get all my photos put in files. That way I can find a photo when I want it. I have about 5,000 photos to go I think that will keep me busy and out of trouble for a

This fall my Aunt lost her husband of 42 years, I want to say that she has been doing ok for this time of the year and handle it well. He was a very fun loving man and we will miss him for a long time to come. She sent this to me in a email and I am putting it here to end this year with. She wrote this and it is a sign of healing for her.

Uncle Bob...Husband, Father, Grandpop, Brother and Friend to all.

A tear
Falling on my cheek
Remembering the love
Remembering the joy
Remembering the touch
Now saddened by the loss
The loss of the love
The loss of the joy
The loss of the touch
I will regain my strength
My strength to go on
My strength to feel love again
My strength to feel joy again
My strength to feel the touch again
My strength to remember the tear on my cheek
My strength to set it free, but always remember
the past. S.

I Wish you all a great year
Love.... Peace.... Hope..... DeeDee ^i^