Sunday, October 29, 2006

No sense of order

I was going to do this in so sense of order...NOT! I think it will be just writing down things as I think of them. Now that can get to be a little scatter here and there. So bear with me, I am also not the greatest speller in the But that part of me and I not going to chance at this time of life. As my husband say I can switch gears mid-stream and he hasn't got the foggiest idea what I am talking about!
So here goes.

The mystery of the bird feeders

Now I have to tell you ....I thought the squirrel have out smarted me yesterday! I came home from work and had my coffee and went outside to just enjoy some warm air. As I was standing there looking around I notice that a few things look different...Like... I didn't put birdfood in the birdbath! I turn around and the top was off the can with the birdfood in it. Now I am thinking to myself did I forget to put it back..look in the can and about 20 lbs of food was gone! Then I started to notice that some of the feeder were full and I know they were empty yesterday. Now there were little piles of food on the ground too. I called Harry out and said to him Look what the squirrel have done! They are now feeding themselves and storing it away. Now later that night I get a phone call from Darrell and just on a whim ( like to play jokes on his old Mom) I ask him if he fill them yesterday..No Mom not me, He said he was wondering why I would fill the birdbath with food? I ask him to ask Maggie Rose if she did it and low and behole mystery solved! Maggie Rose and Emilie thought that it would be nice to help Mom Mom with the birds. Now you have to understand neither one said a word about it when they came in from playing outside yesterday, that why it never came to me that they would do it. Now the crazybirdlady thought she really had some smart squirrels....NOPE just smart DGD's but they had this old Granny going for awhile.

How DeeDee came to be

The name Deedee was giving to me by a sweet little girl that I used to babysat. I have to say that this little girl let me have this alter-ego and enjoy all the things that I thought that I was to old to do anymore.She taught me the joy of just laying on the grass and watching the clouds go by and playing in the snow making snow angels again.I started watching her when she was 6 weeks old and my husband thought I was nuts to do this babysitting thing. I had reach a point in life that our three sons have moved out and being a stay at home Mom all those years, I felt as if my job was done and now what was I suppose to do!I do believe that everything happens for a reason so when this job came up, I thought to myself what am I best at... Taking care of kids!I was handed this sweet baby to take care of and spend at least eight hrs a day with. I taught her to walk and talk and got to do all the fun things that I thought were done in my life. I have grandchildren, but they weren't giving to me on a daily basic to care for and nurture. I was alive again and had a purpose!Now this is just the beginning of the story and there will be more to come.I have come to the thought that it time to just let out the rambling of a crazy old lady that has been taught a new zest for life by a tiny baby that has turn into a sweet girl.